Please read the blog functions before continuing.

Let’s come back to the hotel example. While ordering Briyani, you can pass some options to the waiter. Say you say that you do not need onions as side dish but want more Brinjal, then depending on the options your side dish will be tailored. These passing values to a function is technically in programming is called arguments.

Type the program below and execute it:

function printline1(length)
    println('*' ^ length)

i = 1

while i <= 10
    i += 1



So in the above program in these lines:

while i <= 10
    i += 1

We call printline1 like this printline1(i) with an argument. This i is passed to variable called length and is available inside the body of the printline1 function. With the length we vary the number of stars in the line as shown in below code:

function printline1(length)
    println('*' ^ length)

The Jupyter notebook for this blog is available here