Unary operator are ones that operate on one stuff like the tilde ~ operator, you can do something like ~ a, ~ false etc and get a result. Binary operators operators act on two stuff, like the plus + operator. You can do 1 + 2 and so on, they get 2 operands. Ternary operator, operates on three stuffs. Take a look at the program below:

a = 10; b = 15

max = b > a ? b : a
min = b < a ? b : a

println("Maximum = ", max)
println("Minimum = ", min)


Maximum = 15
Minimum = 10

Type it in your Jupyter lab and execute it. So this program is able to find maximum and minimum of two values. Let’s see how it works.

First we assign a to 10 and b to 15 here:

a = 10; b = 15

Next look at this line:

max = b > a ? b : a

Here we have a variable max and we are assigning something to it with an equal to = operator. The interesting part is at the right side, look at it carefully, it goes like this b > a ? b : a. Note the syntax here. There is a condition b > a, so it becomes true or false depending on the avlues of b and a, at the right of it is a ? b : a. If b > a is true, the the stuff between question ? and : get returned and b is assigned to max. If b > a is false, the stuff after the : is assigned to max that is a.

So this ternary operator ? : deals with three stuffs.

  1. A condition <condition> ? :
  2. Something to be returned or done when the condition is true <condition> ? <do something when true> :
  3. Something to be returned or done when the condition is false <condition> ? <do something when true> : <do something when false>.

I think you can figure out rest of the program by yourself.

As an exercise why don’t you write a simple program with uses ternary operator and and does this:

  • It multiplies two variables a and b when a variable named action is set to multiply
  • It adds two variables a and b when a variable named action is set to any other value
  • Finally it prints out the result

The Jupyer notebook for this blog is available here https://gitlab.com/data-science-with-julia/code/-/blob/master/ternary_operator.ipynb.